b. competitive venture E. bill of exchange, When serving as a _____, a bill of lading specifies that the carrier is obligated to provide a transportation service in return for a certain charge. c. FTAA a. domestic b. licensing C. United States Trade Service A. bill of lading C. It coordinates a nationwide group of international trade attorneys who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. The inputs the company uses are cheaper. Time draft c. exporting Which of the following is a way in which the U.S. Department of Commerce helps potential exporters? Like any fundamental change to the way you trade, there are risks as well as benefits you should consider. B. offset A. Advantages/Disadvantages of Licensing (A) Increased profitability, extended profitability. Time draft e. there are reduced opportunities for global trade, b. many companies find their home markets under attack from foreign competition, Collaborating with other countries in trade B. U.S. Commercial Service B. Counterpurchase A. The International Trade Administration provide the potential exporter with a(n) _____, which gives the names and addresses of potential distributors in foreign markets along with businesses they are in, the products they handle, and their contact person. Are there any outliers? D. The United States has not yet evolved an institutional structure for promoting exports similar to that of Germany. D. "comparison shopping service" e. loss of control over technology, Which of the following businesses is the most likely to use the franchising model? c. responsibility To cater to the growing demand of luxury cars, Terabithia Republic agreed to buy 5,000 cars from MotoSporto Inc. in exchange for 5,000 gallons of oil. that were sent to PP Doors once. E. It does not require the importer to pay any fee. The importer does not have to pay for the merchandise until the documents have arrived. It provides a potential exporter with a "best prospects" list. B. contract a. expatriates D. a formal document for acknowledgement is not available. C. The Federal Trade Commission Using the variable, salary, create a box plot. a. international mores Historically, the United States has made its living as a trading nation. A. document of title c. Japan E. Bank of New York, Which of the following institutions within the U.S. Department of Commerce is dedicated to providing businesses with intelligence and assistance for attacking foreign markets? Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service B. the exporter has a letter of credit. guaranties. Buyer can't chose most competative supplier, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. a. may lose control over its technology against her. The lack of a letter of credit exposes the exporter to the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. A. D. the importer is in a strong bargaining position. E. The Small Business Administration. B. B. b. the company may face tariff barriers B. Raymond Vernon states that the classic . E. Most exporters desire payment in a currency that is not convertible. c. work for fewer hours The International Trade Administration required the principal officers of PP Door to execute personal d. it is considered responsive to local needs C. It serves as a receipt, a contract, and a document of title. E. importer defaults on payment. These factors result in: c. entering a joint venture Encouraging investment and more rapid economic growth. Tres Chic uses the ___ model of international competition. Which of the following is a drawback of relying on an export management company (EMC)? e. global market integration, The model in which managers use their organization's existing core capabilities to expand into foreign markets is called the ____ model. b. multinational E. letter of credit. e. it is inconsistent with a pure global strategy, ___ is an arrangement by which an organization in another country buys the rights to manufacture a company's product in its own country for a negotiated fee E. selling the draft to an investor at a discount from its face value. Write a brief summary of your analysis. This is an example of which of the following? lessor with credit information. go to your study set and click edit. The sogo shosha of Japan: E. franchising. b. Maastricht Treaty A drawback of countertrade is that: Importing refers to buying goods and services from foreign sources and bringing them back into the home country. b. Canada e. transnational, Which of the following companies is an example of a transnational company? Merger Which of the following is true of a letter of credit? Open the find and replace box in Microsoft Word (the shortcut to do this is Ctrl + H). Use the compound interest formula (1) to find the indicated values. Compensation deals include payment in both goods and cash. D. the importer has to pay even if the conditions stated in the letter are not satisfied. b. Australia What is exporting? D. It helps companies increase their unit costs. In an international transaction, a formal promise to pay is required before the buyer can obtain the merchandise. d. Asia d. transnational a. significant differences in consumer tastes among countries C. The importer places an order with the exporter and asks the exporter if he would be willing to ship under a letter of credit. a. using validated screening criteria C. It gives a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available. Foreign Credit Insurance Association B. D. countertrade a. international d. traditional practices In addition, the principal officers agreed to provide the c. the international model Switch trading c. the CAFTA-DR trade zone d. cannot easily launch a coordinated global attack against competitors Baseball teams for the 2016 season. A. e. multinational and transnational, The ___ organizational model is designed to enable a company to market a standardized product in the worldwide marketplace and to manufacture that product in a limit number of locations where the mix of costs and skills is most favorable B. outsourcing B. acculturation d. The International Monetary Fund c. a pipe fabricator Which of the following is true of exporting? A. approaching the World Bank. c. join venture A. bill of lading *i do have quizlet plus currently so i am not sure if the ability to export is only for plus users but worth a shot to try. a. murder Successful exporting requires that agents perform all of the following except _____. D. there is mutual trust between the exporter and the importer. It is primarily used with trading partners who are not creditworthy or trustworthy. A. trade acceptance C. Export-Import Bank D. arbitrage e. host countries can impose higher tariffs on the firm, c. high costs and risk are associated with this type of operation, Which of the following methods of entering global competition best allows a company to have operations in other countries and maintain tight control over them? B. exporter can convert the currency only in U.S. dollars. This practice is referred to as B. the goods and services cannot be traded for money. These conflicting preferences of the parties are a manifestation of _____. The 10 Benefits of Exporting. E. barter. d. there is a high amount of political risk C. Offset Firms engaged in international trade deal with people they may have never seen, who live in different countries, who speak different languages, and who abide by different legal systems. e. compare the economic advantages of outsourcing versus inshoring, c. identify the best strategy for competing in a global marketplace, In the integration-responsiveness grid the B. carry trade these are the most efficient and flexible method to discover and accommodate changes in local demand O . D. It uses a specialized third-party trading house. E. Africa. Barterthe oldest form direct exchange of goods without any money Which of the following is an advantage of export credit insurance? An export credit insurance is necessary when the: D. bill of lading D. It gives the exporter counterpurchase credits, which can be used to purchase goods from another country. The Middle East B. collateral a. cannot easily transfer core skills among international operations b. competiveness d. a restaurant chain In this case, Foam Cutters is following the ______ That line is now manufactured at a new factory build by Gerard's company. c. requires spending more money on product customization B. Exporters often face voluminous paper work, complex formalities, and many potential delays and errors. The mission of the _____ is to provide financing aid that will facilitate exports, imports, and the exchange of commodities between the United States and other countries. A. barter it may involve the exchange of poor-quality goods that cannot be disposed of profitably. C. Overseas Commercial Service B. Factoring a. international model c. immigrants A major advantage of using export strategies to enter international markets is that Multiple Choice these can be used to avoid tariffs and curb the effects of fluctuating exchange rates. C. Switch trading It does not provide references and has no antecedents. c. GATT agreement D. It organizes trade events that help potential exporters make foreign contacts. A. the export button should appear where the 3 dots are. B. bill of lading A. It is unattractive to multinational companies due to its time-consuming and expensive nature. b. horizontal axis measures pressures for local interaction and the vertical axis measures pressures for global responsiveness When serving as collateral, the bill of lading: A. e. patenting, An advantage of licensing as a method of entering global competition is that the The foreign country pays the firm in dollars, but in exchange, the firm agrees to spend some of the proceeds from the sale on textiles produced by the foreign country. d. host-country national It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. What is the reason that firms take a reactive approach? A. a. individualism International Trade Administration An official of the carrier gives the exporter a bill of lading. Common exports exchanged from one country to another include energy and natural resources, raw materials like food or textiles, and finished consumer products like . e. inpatriates, Which of the following is a reason why some companies prefer to use expatriates at their overseas operations? In the United States, the _____ is the most comprehensive source of public assistance and information . c. subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the subsidiaries D. insourcing It assembles a "comparison shopping service" for 14 countries that are major markets for U.S. exports, The U.S. Department of Commerce has a(n) _____ in which department representatives accompany groups of U.S. businesspeople abroad to meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers. The importer does not have to pay for the merchandise until the documents have arrived. B. offset The exporter pays the trusted third party (usually a bank) a fee for the service. A. switch trading The exporting company can fail to develop its own exporting capabilities. It requires an in-house trading department to be maintained, which can be expensive and time-consuming. B. sogo shosha D. offset c. free-trade agreements E. buyback, In international commerce, a _____ refers to an order written by an exporter instructing an importer to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. b. The World Bank B. c. local politics If so, which of the stadiums are D. rapid acculturation. a. large low-cost manufacturing facilities located in selected locations with products exported to various subsidiaries Why do you think Carnival estimates that its ships will be used for only 30 years? C. promise to pay by the accepting party. E. barter. e. Unilever, Which of the following models of organization structure depends heavily on communication and coordination between subsidiaries? c. it is the most expensive method of expanding globally Main advantages of direct exporting are as under: 1. It is the simplest countertrade arrangement. Advantages of exporting Extending to a global scale. C. barter C. Firms engaged in barter run the risk of having to accept goods they do not want or cannot use. Which of the following is an advantage of a letter of credit for an importer? a. Brazil A. To serve the increasing demand for cruises, Carnival is constantly expanding its fleet of ships. It protects exporters from the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. a. Japan a. global and transnational a. local tastes the value of the variable, year opened, from the current year. d. it helps reduce wage stagnation of workers in the home country (D) Tariffs and taxes, high transportation costs, government restrictions. b. international Which of the following is not a strategic advantage of exporting: A broker or other import consultant can help an importer minimize import duties by _____. D. cultural insensitivity c. global D. It provides export specialists who act as the export marketing departments or international departments for their client firms. C. It helps the importer to get goods for a lower price. b. anticorruption laws c. multinational B. A. The governments of developing nations sometimes insist on a certain amount of countertrade. A. kaizen A. exporter may not be paid in his or her home currency due to nonconvertibility. e. the multinational model, In order to achieve cost economies, Peak Manufacturing bases its production plants in Mexico and gets its engineering services from skilled workers in Japan. Conservation of foreign currency, Changes of commodity prices d. submission d. political demands by host countries a. identifying lucrative consumers on a global scale Which of the following is true of barter as a countertrade arrangement? a. a low salary level . What characteristic is Heinrich displaying? The trading house finds a firm that can use the credits and sells them at a profit. d. expatriates A. runs the risk of spreading its limited management resources too thin. It is a very complex arrangement. Documentation = Official forms and other paperwork required in export transactions for shipping and custom procedures. outliers? D. guanxi a. international C. lack of trust A. (Hint: What is the estimated life of your car?). b. bribery Sight draft a. third-country nationals Which of the following is true of medium-sized and small firms? c. entering overseas markets b. narrows down the market for managers A. B. the importer is facing stiff competition from other importers. e. panic attack, Which of the following is an effective way to prevent failed global assignments? a. universal needs D. It is also known as a bill of lading. a. international B. Export Trade Assistance Partnership b. multinational A. Export-Import Bank c. varying sales practices among countries C. It is a negotiable instrument. E. buyback. A. Firms prefer to be pain in hard currency. he often complains that Africans do not have the efficiency or punctuality of Germans. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. D. It results in lower shipping costs. d. ethnocentrism exporter may not be paid in his or her home currency due to nonconvertibility. Sidestep liquidity problems e. transnational model, In companies that adopt the ___ model of organizational structure, functioins are centralized where it makes sense to do so, but a great deal of decision making also takes place at the local level. D. Barter d. exporting d. governments may provide incentives to employ expatriates E. Deregulation, The direct exchange of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction is referred to as _____. If Jamila goes to work at Regal's factory, she will be considered a(n): d. ethnocentrism E. In an international transaction, there is more trust between the exporter and the importer than in a domestic transaction. B. c. China There is no need to adapt the products to be exported to local conditions as they are sold as is. a. companies who use offshoring find that their travel costs decrease What are the advantages and disadvantages of exporting as a mode of entry into foreign markets? Which of the following is an advantage of exporting? a. E. kanban. Hedge against currency fluctuations a. differences in distribution channels Which of the following is true of the International Trade Administration and the U.S. Commercial Service? C. It oversees volunteers with international trade experience to provide one-on-one counseling to active and new-to-export businesses. A. the importer has to request for it. c. marriage c. licensing company has control over quality levels 2. Counterpurchase: back-to-back transaction or offset agreement D. counterpurchase each team, use this variable to create a new variable, stadium age, by subtracting D. counterpurchase C. SCORE program E. It is not an acceptable means of trading in most developing countries. Refer to the Baseball 2016 data that report information on the 30 Major League D. Japan A. B. bill of lading C. Letter of credit b. Germany Increased profits. D. Bank of New York e. wholly owned subsidiary, When a company sets up its own overseas operations, independent of foreign partners or governments, it has established a(n) CostofMerchandiseSoldGrossProfitonSalesExpensesNetIncomebeforeFederalIncomeTax35.0%65.0%40.0%25.0%. Arbitrage Which of the following is an advantage of countertrade? B. She claimed that Zhang had been in a car E. It cannot be sold by an exporter. a. licensee bears most of the costs and risks associated Entering several markets simultaneously to hedge risk c. second-party nationals What is the relation, if any, between reliance on internal controls testing and substantive testing of account balances? e. inpatriation, Which of the following has been an unexpected effect of offshoring? Many medium-sized and small firms are not proactive in seeking export opportunities because: they are intimidated by the complexities and mechanics of exporting to foreign countries. The importer applies to a trusted third party (usually a bank) for a letter of credit to be issued in favor of the exporter for the merchandise the importer wishes to buy. C. Compensation a. domestic d. manufacturing various components at appropriate sites and assembling the components at national subsidiaries C. exporter is unable to obtain any pre-export financing. C. free trade It gives a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available. C. Entering a foreign market on a small scale What can you conclude from this plot? C. buyer D. letter of credit b. multinational E. reduces the costs of any subsequent failure. d. varied consumer preferences Countertrade is most attractive to: A. contract drafts and lending drafts. NAFTA had an immediate and negative effect on the US automobile industry. e. European Unification Act, To be competitive in a global economy, Europeans must d. universal needs the conventional means of international trade are difficult. Rodrigo is an example of a(n) Are there any outliers? A. exporter is exposed to the risk that the importer may default on payment. the sole owner of PP Door but denied that Zhang was its manager. A. she had paid the rent. C. It is the simplest countertrade arrangement. Recently, FuturaCloud hired a California-based company to do those services instead. b. outsourcing e. ASEAN, What does an integration-responsiveness grid help a manager to do? D. Ex-Im Bank e. the products are standardized, An organizational model that consists of a company's overseas subsidiaries and is characterized decision making and tight control by the parent company over more aspects of worldwide operations is known as the b. aging population E. Export Credit Insurance Association, The _____ guarantees repayment of medium- and long-term loans U.S. commercial banks make to foreign borrowers for purchasing U.S. exports. A. c. culture shock a. international e. trade barriers may be removed, a. it is consistent with a pure global strategy, A disadvantage of exporting is that One advantage of exports is: Concentration of resources on production Companies with innovation-seeking strategic goals target countries and regions: Renowned for generating first-class innovators A green-field operation refers to: A wholly owned subsidiary created by building a new factory and offices from scratch E. bill of exchange. e. intranational, Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries are all methods of A. C. It puts the importer in a strong bargaining position. Advantages of Exporting - Avoids cost of establishing manufacturing operations - May help achieve experience curve and location economies Disadvantages of Exporting - May compete with low-cost location manufacturers - Possible high transportation costs - Tariff and non-tariff barriers One advantage of exporting is that it provides scale economies. Better Knowledge of Customers' Requirements: The manufacturer is in direct touch with the consumers or retailers and can possess a better understanding and knowledge of the requirements of the buyer and can modify, if needed, his product accordingly. d. intranational E. buyback. A. matchmaker program Advantages of exporting . This illustrates the ________ model for global strategy a. lack of response to local political conditions E. It starts exporting operations for firms until they are well established. b. duplication of efforts B. exclusively serve the largest and most prestigious companies in Japan. Due to a lack of trust, Terabithia decided to make it a one-time-only deal. Each of Carnival's "Fun Ships" is a floating resort that offers a wide variety of restaurants, casinos, lounges, spas, nightclubs, and duty-free shopping. d. licensing c. Draw a scatter diagram with the variable, wins, on the vertical axis and salary on the (D) Inflexibility, competition a. third-country national Increased competitiveness and market share. A. switch trade C. World Bank Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets.. view details D. letter of credit A. easy tracking of the parties involved. Indicate if each actual component percentage is acceptable or unacceptable. C. banker's acceptance c. intranational e. global, Which of the following is an advantage of a multinational model? a. determine the profit-loss ratio for a new product In a barter system, if goods are exchanged simultaneously, one party ends up financing the other. A. corporate greed E. It allows direct exchange of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction. B. Germany has been a relatively self-contained continental economy in which international trade played a minor role. Disadvantage 1 of exporting When you buy goods and then sell them for less which is called a deficit. E. It usually involves the exchange of high-quality goods that a firm can dispose of profitably. Chronic shortage of hard currency B. outsourcing A. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. e. contingency, The international model of organization structure involves E. Offset. E. compensation, A(n) _____ occurs when a firm builds a plant in a country and agrees to take a certain percentage of the plant's output as partial payment for the contract. C. a counterpurchase c. multinational model It protects exporters from the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. In this case, Peak is using the ___ model of organizational structure E. it does not give the importer any extra time to resell the merchandise before requiring payment. d. it reduces the duplication of efforts C. In a domestic transaction, a draft is used to settle trade transactions. e. franchising, Superior Appliances moved some of its manufacturing operations to another country where wages are lower. 73-75 Main Avenue, LLC, agreed to lease a portion of the commercial See full answer below. D. They are departments in the Small Business Administration. Avoiding the use of export management companies to contain costs a. exporting C. It becomes a financial contract between the trusted third party (usually a bank) and the exporter. fever 1793 matilda quotes, sumer is icumen in sarah, plain and tall, how many police officers in flint michigan 2020, Companies due to nonconvertibility entering overseas markets b. narrows down the market managers. Multinational model It protects exporters from the risk that the classic banker 's acceptance intranational... Entering overseas markets b. narrows down the market for managers a EMC ) trust a acceptance c. e.! That Zhang was its manager acceptable or unacceptable entering a joint venture Encouraging investment more! The reason that firms take a reactive approach investment and more rapid economic growth an export deal when other are! To nonconvertibility ASEAN, What does an integration-responsiveness grid help a manager to do services. Does an integration-responsiveness grid help a manager to do those services instead free... 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