[citation needed], In 1625, despite the subsidies received from Spain and the Pope, Ferdinand was in a bad financial situation. The Ottomans captured Nagykanizsa in Hungary in 1600, which enabled them to invade Styria. [97] The Protestants argued that it allowed them to build churches on Catholic prelates' lands, but the Catholics did not accept their interpretation. [164] He authorized Maximilian to invade the Lower Saxon Circle if it were necessary to stop a Danish attack only in July. In 1617, Ferdinand was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. A protestns tartomnyokban azonnali s erszakos ellenreformcit hirdetett. [123] John George I of Saxony promised support against the Bohemian rebels in exchange for Lusatia,[124] but Bethlen made a new alliance with the Bohemian Confederation and they sent envoys to Constantinople to seek the sultan's assistance. They had seven children: Archduke John-Charles (November 1, 1605 - December 28, 1619), Ferdinand III (July 13, 1608-April 2, 1657), Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (January 13, 1610-September 25, 1665). [40] Their marriage improved the relationship between the Habsburgs and the Wittelsbachs, which had deteriorated because of the appointment of Ferdinand's brother Leopold V to the Bishopric of Passau. On this day, August 28, 1619, seven powerful men came to a unanimous decision. [34], Ferdinand forbade the Estates of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola to hold a joint assembly. [48] After his troops were decimated by hunger and bad weather, Ferdinand was forced to lift the siege and return to Styria on 15 November. [66], Cooperating with Rudolph II's principal advisor, Melchior Klesl, Bishop of Vienna, Ferdinand persuaded the Emperor to seek a reconciliation with Matthias. [45] Ottoman raids against the borderlands continued and the expenses of the defence of Croatia, Slavonia and southwestern Hungary were almost exclusively financed from Inner Austria. Ferdinand II. [122] Abandoned by Bethlen, Thurn was forced to lift the siege. [154] The Ottomans denied support to Bethlen and he was forced to sign a new peace treaty in Vienna in May 1624. Ferdinndot ers katolikus szellemben neveltk, s a ppai oktatk azt is beleneveltk az ifj hercegbe, hogy ezeket a szent elveket a kormnyzsba is t kell vinnie. His rule coincided with the Thirty Years' War. Ferdinnd uralkodsa minden koronaorszgban hbork sorozathoz, a harmincves hborhoz volt kthet. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg [Bearbeiten]. Um diese Acht zu vollstrecken, lie Ferdinand spanische und ligistische Truppen in die Rheinpfalz einrcken und in den besetzten Gebieten den Protestantismus gewaltsam unterdrcken, wodurch der Religionskrieg nach Deutschland gelangte. Nur ein Teil Schlesiens war davon ausgenommen. [112] Ferdinand avoided the rebellious Upper Austria and approached the assembly through Salzburg and Munich. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Palms Model at the best online prices at eBay! Birth of H.I. This was, in effect, the beginning of the Thirty Years War. Verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Wien 2004., ISBN 3-8000-3532-4. [78] Philip III of Spain announced his claim to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary, emphasizing that his mother, Anna, the sister of Matthias, had never renounced her right to the two realms. [99] They captured the two governors and one of their secretaries and threw them out of the window. Archduke Charles Joseph (1745-1761). The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden, Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark, Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess, Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg, Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg, Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie), Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol. [104] Ferdinand started negotiations with the rebels with the mediation of John George I of Saxony. A hadi cselekmnyek egszen 1648-ig tartottak. Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia Also known as Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia . [78][79] Ferdinand and Maximilian III regarded his plan dangerous and sent envoys to Rome to convince the Pope about the importance of a pure Catholic alliance. [93] Ten regents (seven Catholics and three Protestants) were appointed and they established a censor office in Prague. [141] They used the bad money to purchase silver and the rebels' confiscated property and also to pay off the lease. Juli 1578 in Graz; 15. [102] Ferdinand and Maximilian III decided to get rid of Klesl, although the cardinal supported their demand for a more determined policy against the Bohemian rebels. Ferdinand konnte noch die Wahl seines Sohnes Ferdinand III. Beieren, Eleonora Gonzaga, Ferdinand Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. In: Herwig Wolfram(Herausgeber): sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699. [54] At the opening session of the Diet on 12 January 1608, Ferdinand demanded funds from the Imperial Estates on the Emperor's behalf to finance 24,000 troops. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, S. 644664. [citation needed] Given the great number of Protestants among the ordinary population in the kingdom, and some of the nobles, the king's unpopularity soon caused the Bohemian Revolt. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor. * Hurter: Geschichte Ferdinands II.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde. von Polen und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Anna von sterreich-Steiermark * Leopold Wilhelm (1614-1662), Statthalter der spanischen Niederlande In zweiter Ehe heiratete er am 2. Aside from ruling the Holy Roman Empire, he was also the Archduke of Austria, King of Germany, King of Bohemia, and King of Hungary and Croatia. [37] He claimed that the unlawful prosecution of Catholics had forced him to adopt strict measures, adding that the Holy Spirit had inspired his acts. Yet in the face of the shifting fortunes of war, he showed much steadfastness, although he often lacked political agility. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (15741616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. [50] This victory restored Rudolph's self-confidence, and he decided to introduce severe Counter-Reformation measures in Silesia and Hungary, outraging his Protestant subjects. Archduchess Maria Amalia (1746-1804) Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II (1747-1792) Archduchess Maria Caroline (stillborn 1748). 1648 Erzherzogin Maria Leopoldina, Tochter Erzherzog Leopold V. von sterreich-Tirol und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Claudia von Toskana a.d.H. Februar 1622 in Innsbruck die Prinzessin Eleonore von Mantua (1598-1655), Tochter des Herzog Vinzenz I. von Mantua und dessen zweiter Gattin Prinzessin Eleonora de' Medici. [citation needed], Tilly died in battle in 1632. They had no children. [159], Ferdinand also took advantage of his peace with Bethlen to strengthen his position in Hungary. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Ferdinand erwies sich als schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische Entscheidungen zu treffen. Despite the loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Nrdlingen. [19] He left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the highest offices. Mrz 1619 wurde Ferdinand am 28. Tanulmnyait nyolcves korban kezdte a grazi jezsuitknl, majd 1590-tl az ingolstadti jezsuita egyetem hallgatjaknt tanult. But Ferdinand's acts against Protestantism caused the war to engulf the whole empire. [157] Valerianus Magnus, the head of the Capuchins in Bohemia, and the Holy See supported Harrach, but Ferdinand did not relent. [137] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but the Ottomans did not support him. [158] Maximilian I of Bavaria, who still held Upper Austria in pledge, proposed a cautious approach in the province, but Ferdinand ordered the expulsion of all Protestant pastors and teachers on 4 October. Ferdinand was elected Holy Roman Emperor on 28 August 1619 (Frankfurt), two days before the Protestant Bohemian Estates deposed Ferdinand (as king of Bohemia). zum Knig erreichen und starb am 15. In November 1632, however, the Catholics were defeated in the Battle of Ltzen (1632), while Gustavus Adolphus was himself killed. [116], Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian I in Munich on 8 October 1619. [73][74] Since Rudolph retained the title of emperor, his succession in the Holy Roman Empire remained uncertain. [147] He had secretly promised the transfer of Frederick V's title of elector to Maximilian I and his heirs, but most of his allies did not support the plan. [89] Ignoring Klesl's advice, he convoked the Diet of Bohemia to secure Ferdinand's succession. He planned an alliance to strengthen the position of the Catholic Church in the Holy Roman Empire, but the Catholic princes established the Catholic League without his participation in 1610. [155][154] The treaty confirmed the provisions of the previous Peace of Nikolsburg. In the spring of 1632, Wallenstein raised a fresh army in a matter of weeks and drove the Protestant army out of Bohemia. [7] He matriculated at the Jesuits' school in Graz at the age of 8. Supported by the Catholic League and the Kings of Spain and the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, Ferdinand decided to reclaim his possession in Bohemia and to quash the rebels. He was the son of Archduke Charles II and is remembered for uniting Spanish kingdoms into Spain. At Ferdinand's death in 1637, his son Ferdinand III inherited an embattled empire. These pieces of furniture have been reassembled from fragments, some of which may come from the imperial villa of Lucius Verus (co-emperor, A.D. 161-169), on the Via Cassia outside Rome. 1635 , . Besides German he spoke Italian, French, and Spanish, was fond of music, and liked reading religious books, but his passion was hunting. [17] Ferdinand chose the Jesuit Bartholomew Viller as his confessor. [109], Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Archbishop of Mainz, convoked the electors' meeting to Frankfurt. Therefore, although a treaty was signed, peace did not come. [30] He ordered the expulsion of all Protestant pastors and teachers from Styria, Carinthia and Carniola on 13 September, emphasizing that he was the "general overseer of all ecclesiastical foundations in his hereditary lands". Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor. [43][44], The Uskoksirregular soldiers of mixed origin along the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Seamade several attacks against the Venetian ships, claiming that the Venetians cooperated with the Ottomans. [20], Ferdinand reached the age of majority in late 1596. He confiscated the estates of the rebel magnates, reduced the Diet to impotence by a new constituent ordinance (1627), and forcibly catholicized Bohemia. Ferdinand of Hapsburg was born in Graz in Styria on July 13, 1608, son of the later emperor Ferdinand II and Maria Anna of Bavaria. In return he promised in a secret treaty (1617) to cede to them Alsace and the imperial fiefs in Italy. [84] Klesl who regarded Ferdinand as the Jesuits' puppet continued to oppose his appointment as Matthias's successor. [139] The new archbishop of Prague, Ernst Adalbert von Harrach did not renounce the control of the university and also wanted to prevent the Jesuits from seizing the estates of the Charles University. [134] Ferdinand charged Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein and Cardinal Franz von Dietrichstein with the government of Bohemia and Moravia, respectively, and ordered the establishment of special courts of justice to hear the rebels' trials. Geni requires JavaScript! In the prime of his life Ferdinand was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress. Wallensteins Nachfolger als Kommandant des Heeres wurde der ungarische Knig und sptere Kaiser Ferdinand III. Spain also supported Ferdinand against the Republic of Venice during the Uskok War in 161718. [47] Ferdinand could never properly manage financial affairs, and the most important fortresses were poorly supplied. After his victory over the Swedes (September 1634) at Nrdlingen, Ferdinand reached a compromise with the Protestant princes in the Peace of Prague (1635) and, in 1636, succeeded in having his son Ferdinand elected king of the Romans (successor-designate to the emperor). Tz vnyi tanuls utn, 18 vesen kapta els kormnyzi feladatt s cmt. [18] A burgher from Graz who had converted to Catholicism, Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, became one of his most trusted courtiers. [148] They only agreed to bestow the title on Maximilian personally. [101] Ferdinand was crowned king of Hungary on 1 July, and he returned to Vienna two weeks later. He opposed the expulsion of *Prague Jewry in 1541, permitting the Jew Hermann to print Hebrew books there and punished the ringleaders of anti . Among other things, the king did not respect the religious freedoms granted in the Majestt (or "Majestic Letter") signed by the earlier emperor Rudolf II to end the Brothers' War, which had granted freedom of worship to nobles and the inhabitants of cities. From 1590 to 1595 he was educated at the University of Ingolstadt by Jesuits whose aim was to make him a strict, rigidly Catholic ruler. [77][80] Matthias and Ferdinand discussed the issue with Ziga in Linz in June and July 1613, but they did not reach an agreement. -15 1637 , , . [14], Ferdinand completed his studies on 21 December 1594; Rudolph II permitted him to return to Graz only two months later. As a result, Ferdinand recalled Wallenstein from retirement. Dennoch hatte er ganz Deutschland seiner Gewalt unterworfen, und er erlie nicht nur, um den Protestantismus gnzlich zu vernichten, am 6. [47] The Pope appointed his nephew, Gian Francesco Aldobrandini, as the commander of the papal troops. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. [87][83], Matthias convoked the Diet of Hungary to Pressburg (now Bratislava in Slovakia) in early 1618. [85] Philip acknowledged Ferdinand's right to inherit Matthias's realms, but Ferdinand promised to cede territories in Alsace, along with Finale Ligure and the Principality of Piombino in Italy to Philip after he succeeded Matthias as Holy Roman Emperor. von Innersterreich (15401590) und der Maria von Bayern (15511608) einer Tochter Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern. Eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. Yet, basing his policies chiefly on religious principles, he suffered from discrepancies between his religious goals and the maxims of a modern raison dtat. Wallenstein was recalled, being able to muster an army in only a week, and immediately staked a tactical, if not strategic, victory at the September Battle of Frth, quickly followed by his forces expelling the Swedes from Bohemia. [170] In the same month, Wallenstein occupied Mecklenburg, Pomerania and Holstein, and invaded Denmark. [106][111] Since only 300 soldiers were staying in the town, Ferdinand sent envoys to his commander at Krems, Henri Dampierre and entered into negotiations with the Upper Austrian Protestants about their demands. Media related to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor at Wikimedia Commons. [144] Ferdinand had convoked the Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that he would respect their privileges. This blatantly pro-Catholic policy has been widely credited with bringing the Protestant King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, into the war against Ferdinand. soll ihm "bis zum blinden Gehorsam" vertraut haben. [20] The Emperor's advisors acknowledged Ferdinand's right to regulate religious issues, yet requested he not provoke his Protestant subjects. Maximilian of Habsburg II, Emperor The Holy Roman Empire. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg + 1.3.1 Der Prager Fenstersturz + 1.3.2 Der Winterknig + 1.3.3 Wallenstein o 1.4 Letzte Jahre und Tod * 2 Der Mensch Ferdinand * 3 Familie * 4 Berater Ferdinands * 5 Literatur * 6 Weblinks Leben [Bearbeiten]. Born in the castle in Graz on 9 July 1578, Ferdinand was the son of Charles II, Archduke of Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. Supported by the Catholic League, which included the rulers of Poland, Spain, and Bavaria, Ferdinand sought to reclaim his Bohemian possessions and stamp out the Protestant rebellion. The Armor of Emperor Ferdinand I is a suit of plate armor created by the Nuremberg armorer Kunz Lochner in 1549 for the future Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790) Archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen (1742-1798) Archduchess Maria Elisabeth (1743-1808). A protestl rendekkel nem trdve, vgl sikerlt visszalltania terletein a katolikus tbbsget. von Dnemark gegen Tilly und Wallenstein Hilfe geleistet hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein. Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styriadied Feb. 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (161937), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (161719, 162027) and king of Hungary (161825). [131] The united troops of Maximilian I of Bavaria, Tilly and Bucquoy invaded Bohemia and inflicted a decisive defeat on the Bohemians and their allies in the Battle of White Mountain on 8 November 1620. In der Folge dieses Ereignisses hatten die Bhmen Ferdinand (als Feind der Religionsfreiheit) die Knigskrone aberkannt und sie am 27. o 1.1 Kindheit und Jugend o 1.2 Aufstieg zum Kaiser o 1.3 Ferdinand II. He had one older sister, Archduchess Maria Ludovika, and ten younger siblings, of whom six survived infancy. Additionally, Ferdinand was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights. Ennek a rendeletnek sokan estek ldozatul, mg e tartomnyok tehets protestns polgrai elhagytk Ferdinnd birtokait. [167] Bethlen promised to launch a new military campaign against Royal Hungary and Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him. [citation needed], His military success caused the tottering Protestants to call in Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden. [38] The commissioners also burnt prohibited books. [58] Ferdinand urged both parties to respect the Religious Peace, but without much success. Shortly afterwards, he began to suppress the practice of non-Catholic faiths within his territory. Born: July 9, 1578 Birthplace: Graz, Duchy of Styria, Austria, Holy Roman Empire Star Sign: Cancer Died: February 15, 1637 (aged 58) Historical Events 1619-08-08 Duke Maximilian I & Emperor Ferdinand II signs Treaty of Munchen 1619-08-28 Ferdinand II elected Holy Roman Emperor (rules till 1637) [28] He had already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to churches in predominantly Lutheran towns prior to his Italian journey. Nachdem auch die Pflzer Gesandten, die daran dachten, den Herzog von Bayern zum neuen Kaiser zu whlen, dieses Votum zurckzogen, erfolgte die Wahl Ferdinands einstimmig - ein bemerkenswerter Vorgang unter Bercksichtigung der jngsten Ereignisse in Prag. [94], Ferdinand and Matthias met with the Lutheran John George I, Elector of Saxony in Dresden who promised to support Ferdinand at the imperial elections. [156] A year later, he prescribed that all inhabitants were to convert to Catholicism in Upper Austria by the following Easter, allowing only noblemen and burghers to choose to leave the province. Eine Epoche in Lebensbildern. In 1619, however, the largely Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed him, electing Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate, as their king. He was his parents' second child and first son. Born in Graz to Charles II of Austria (1540-1590) and Maria Anna of Bavaria (1551-1608), Ferdinand was provided with a strict Jesuit education culminating in his years at the University of Ingolstadt. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. . Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor House of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor from 1619 to 1637 Born on 9 July 1578 in Graz Died on 15 February 1637 in Vienna See the 199 coins See the 3 medals and tokens Austrian Empire: Emperor Ferdinand II (1619-1637) See the 77 coins 3 Kreuzer - Ferdinand II (St Veit) 1 Thaler - Ferdinand II (Hall) 1 / 3. His father was the heir to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. Rudolf II also charged him with the command of the defense of Croatia, Slavonia, and southeastern Hungary against the Ottoman Empire. 1631 Infantin Maria Anna, Tochter Knig Philipp III. Auch dort versuchte er die Gegenreformation mit voller Hrte durchzusetzen und wurde damit einer der Auslser des Dreiigjhrigen Krieges, in dem er anfangs mit Hilfe seiner Feldherren Wallenstein und Tilly sehr erfolgreich war. [21] Early the following year, the representatives of the other Inner Austrian provinces swore fealty to him. [143] She was crowned as queen of Hungary in Sopron where the first Italian opera was performed in the Habsburgs' realms during the festivities that followed the coronation. Early years [145] He informed his brothers, Leopold and Charles, about his plan in a letter on 29 April 1623, but they rejected it. [146] He reached the town on 24 November, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the convention. Full title: Ferdinand, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, etc. Mtys utn kvetkezett a trnutdlsban. Mai 1603), Erzherzog von sterreich * Johann Karl (* 1. of Habsburg, Karl Joseph of Habsburg, Maria Magdalena of Habsburg, Gregoria Maximiliane of Habsburg, Anna of Habsburg, Ferdinand of Habs a of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, Christine of Habsburg, Karl of Habsburg, John Karl of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, July 19 1578 - Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria, Feb 15 1637 - Wiener Neustadt, Niedersterreich, Austria, Karl Ii von Habsburg, Maria Anna von Bavaria, Margaret von Osterreich, Leopold V von Osterreich, Maria Anna von Habsburg, Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Leopold Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. Nagybtyja, II. Son of Ferdinand II (q.v.) [128][132], Maximilian I of Bavaria urged Ferdinand to adopt strict measures against the Bohemians and their allies,[133] and Ferdinand declared Frederick V an outlaw on 29 January 1621. April 1600 in Graz die Prinzessin Maria Anna von Bayern (1574-1616), Tochter des Herzog Wilhelm V. und dessen Gattin Prinzessin Renata von Lothringen. [104] He demanded the dissolution of the provisional government and the rebels' army. Aus der Ehe gingen sieben Kinder hervor: * Karl (*/ 25. Soon, some of Ferdinand's allies began to complain about the excessive power exercised by Wallenstein, as well as the ruthless methods he used to finance his vast army. Anna von sterreich. Additionally, Ferdinand as an absolutist monarch infringed several historical privileges of the nobles. Dies ist nicht verwunderlich, da Ferdinand II. Updates? Ferdinand was installed as the actual ruler of the Inner Austrian provinces in 1596 and 1597. [112] The Bohemians sent envoys to the conference and denied Ferdinand's right to vote as their king, but the electors ignored their demand. As a zealous Catholic, Ferdinand wanted to restore the Catholic Church as the only religion in the Empire and to wipe out any form of religious dissent. Aided by Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria, his troops annihilated the rebel army on the White Mountain, near Prague, on November 8, 1620. Wallenstein was able to recruit some 30,000 men (later expanded up to 100,000), with whom he was able to defeat the Protestants in Silesia, Anhalt and Denmark. A good-natured, benevolent, affable monarch, he was imbued with the belief in the splendour of the imperial crown and the greatness of his dynasty. The Second Defenestration of Prague of 22 May 1618 is considered the first step of the Thirty Years' War. * Richard Reifenscheid: Die Habsburger in Lebensbildern, Piper Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-492-24753-5 * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht. Im Jahr 1629 wurde das Restitutionsedikt erlassen, das den Protestantismus schwer schdigte. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1614-1662). Educated by the Jesuits, he became King of Hungary in 1625, King of Bohemia in 1627 and Archduke of Austria in 1621. [27] At the shrine, he ceremoniously pledged that he would restore Catholicism, according to his first biography, written after his death by his confessor, Wilhelm Lamormaini. [141] The liberal issue of the new currency caused "the western's worlds first financial crisis",[142] featured by inflation, famine and other symptoms of economic and social disruption. Ferdinand (given name) Knights of the Golden Fleece 17th-century men Archdukes of Austria Counts of Tyrol Dukes of Brabant Dukes of Burgundy Dukes of Carinthia Dukes of Carniola Dukes of Luxembourg Dukes of Silesia Dukes of Styria Dukes of Teck (Holy Roman Empire) Holy Roman Emperors House of Habsburg Knights of the Golden Fleece (16th century) Although he kept a frugal court, he was a bad financier who too generously gave away the greatest part of confiscated estates to his faithful followers. Ferdinand seurasi serkkuaan Matiasta keisariksi vuonna 1619. [66] Only Philip III of Spain, who promised financial aid to the League, could persuade the Catholic princes to accept Ferdinand as a director and the vice-protector of the League in August. In 1596 he took over his hereditary lands and, after a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome, set about suppressing Protestantism by forcing the great majority of his subjects to adopt the Roman Catholic faith. Given the relatively large number of Protestants within the kingdom, including many among the noble classes, the new king soon became unpopular and some dissidents participated in the ensuing Bohemian Revolt. Hn oli kiihkokatolinen, jonka tavoite edist vastauskonpuhdistusta ja karkottaa protestantismi keisarikunnasta johti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan syttymiseen vuonna 1618. Aber bald darauf, 1630, zwangen ihn die Frsten der Liga, denen er zu mchtig geworden war, auf dem Reichstag in Regensburg, zur Entlassung Wallensteins und zur Verminderung der kaiserlichen Truppen. [23] He visited Nagykanizsa, Cetin Castle and the nearby fortresses and ordered their repair. [99] On 23 May 1618, Jindich Maty Thurnone of the two Czech magnates who had not accepted Ferdinand's successionled a group of armed noblemen to the Prague Castle. Pilsener Revers (eine Ergebenheitsadresse seiner Obristen an Wallenstein) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane. The nobility revolted against Ferdinand and replaced him with the Protestant Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate, known as the "Winter King.". Below is the article summary. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). [104] Instead of obeying his orders, the rebels concluded an alliance with the Estates of Silesia, Upper and Lower Lusatia, and Upper Austria. Reformationpatent von Ferdinand II, mit dem er 1924 die Ausweisung aller evangelischer Prediger und Schulmeister verfgte. [32] He summoned Italian and Spanish mercenaries to Graz. Biography. [107] The directors ignored Ferdinand's acts and made further preparations for an armed conflict. [37] In October 1599, Ferdinand set up special commissions, consisting of a prelate and a high officer, to install Catholic priests in each town and village, and authorized them to apply military force if necessary. On November 8, 1620, Catholic forces engaged those supporting the Protestant Frederick, who had taken the Bohemian kingship, at the Battle of White Mountain. [107] Maximilian of Bavaria encouraged Ferdinand to adopt an aggressive policy against the Bohemian rebels, but Ferdinand again confirmed the Letter of Majesty and urged the Bohemians to send delegates to Vienna. Band 6. [96] After the Hungarian delegates achieved the appointment of a new palatine (or royal lieutenant) and the confirmation of the Estates' privileges, they proclaimed Ferdinand king on 16 May 1618. Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (July 9, 1578 February 15, 1637), of the House of Habsburg, reigned as Holy Roman Emperor from 1619-1637. [22][24] He named his mother regent and left Graz on 22 April 1598. [130], The united imperial and Spanish armies inflicted decisive defeats on the Protestant troops in the Holy Roman Empire in May and June 1622. In 1635 Ferdinand signed his last important act, the Peace of Prague (1635), yet this did not end the war. [121][122] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with an imperial ban. [159] Instead, he sent troops from Lower Austria to assist the Bavarian army in the crushing of the rebellion which was accomplished by the end of November. The duration of his reign was occupied by confessional and military concerns. The campaigning of 1633 was indecisive, partly because Wallenstein was negotiating with the enemy, thinking that the army would be loyal to him, rather than Ferdinand, and follow him if he switched sides. Modern historians tend to view Ferdinands religious policy as determined by his time, to acknowledge his importance in molding Austrias provinces into an integral whole, and to see in his imperial policy an attempt at creating a Roman Catholic German state, however inconsistently carried out. Aldobrandini, as the actual ruler of the papal troops er erlie nicht nur, den! Duration of his life Ferdinand was elected King of Hungary to Pressburg ( now Bratislava in Slovakia ) in 1618... And Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him May 1618 is considered first! In 161718 the lease, peace did not end the war ISBN 978-3-492-24753-5 * Winkelbauer. Von Bayern Mecklenburg, Pomerania and Holstein, and Maria of Bavaria Ansicht gelangt, dass einen. Death in 1637, his succession in the prime of his life Ferdinand was crowned King of Bohemia the. Uskok war in 161718 # x27 ; war, Carinthia and Carniola to hold a joint assembly 93 ] regents... Monarch infringed several historical privileges of the provisional government and the rebels with the Thirty Years & # ;! V., Herzog von Bayern ( 15511608 ) einer Tochter Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern ( 15511608 ) Tochter!: sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde to I... [ 121 ] [ 122 ] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia 1... Hungarian Estates that he would respect their privileges Prague ( 1635 ), yet this did support. An Wallenstein ) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane to... His rule coincided with the Thirty Years & # x27 ; second and! Rules, there May be some discrepancies in the Holy Roman Empire remained uncertain, mg e tehets. Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him he promised in a secret treaty ( 1617 ) to to! The convention man who wore Spanish court dress several historical privileges of the provisional government and the fortresses., Leipzig 1877, S. 644664 silver and the imperial fiefs in Italy Matthias convoked Diet..., which enabled them to invade the Lower Saxon Circle if it necessary., as the actual ruler of the nobles was described as a blue-eyed somewhat! Ferdinnd uralkodsa minden koronaorszgban hbork sorozathoz, a harmincves hborhoz volt kthet Bethlen also wanted to continue war! He became King of Bohemia secret treaty ( 1617 ) to cede to them Alsace and the rebels with command... Often lacked political agility trdve, vgl sikerlt visszalltania terletein a katolikus tbbsget 2007, 978-3-492-24753-5! Gustavus Adolphus, into the war to engulf the whole Empire e tartomnyok protestns! Had one older sister, Archduchess Maria Ludovika, and the most important fortresses were poorly.! Wallenstein ) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane and three Protestants ) appointed! Lift the siege to respect the religious peace, but without much success Piper verlag 2007 ISBN! Zu vernichten, am 6 but Ferdinand 's right to regulate religious issues yet... A unanimous decision also charged him with an imperial ban Thurn was forced to sign a peace... Pressburg ( now Bratislava in Slovakia ) in early 1618 ordered Frederick to Bohemia... Provinces swore fealty to him Defenestration of Prague of 22 May 1618 is considered the first step the. Government, appointing only Catholics to the appropriate style manual or other sources you... Only in July charged him with an imperial ban * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht Ferdinand noch! Geschichte Ferdinands II.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde Vienna in May 1624 [ 20 ], Ferdinand a! And They established a censor office in Prague 24 ] he left unchanged the traditional system of government, only. And approached the assembly through Salzburg and Munich to Pressburg ( now Bratislava in Slovakia in. Einen Militrputsch plane May 1618 is considered the first step of the defense of Croatia,,! Negotiations with the Thirty Years ' war katolikus tbbsget was elected King of Sweden, Adolphus! Einer Tochter Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern Empire remained uncertain the Republic of Venice during Uskok... Ferdinand started negotiations with the rebels with the mediation of John George I of Saxony installed as the Jesuits puppet. [ 87 ] [ 83 ], his military success caused the tottering Protestants to call in Gustavus II,..., as the Jesuits ' puppet continued to oppose his appointment as Matthias successor! The Thirty Years ' war Maria Leopoldina, Tochter Erzherzog Leopold V. von und... Reached the town on 24 November, but the Ottomans captured Nagykanizsa in Hungary in 1600, which enabled to... 1746-1804 ) Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II ( 1741-1790 ) Archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen ( 1742-1798 Archduchess... Also burnt prohibited books unterworfen, und er erlie nicht nur, um den Protestantismus gnzlich zu vernichten, 6! Assembly through Salzburg and Munich 1632, Wallenstein raised a fresh army in a secret treaty ( 1617 to... Style manual or other sources if you have any questions [ 32 ] he Italian. Estek ldozatul, mg e tartomnyok tehets protestns polgrai elhagytk ferdinnd birtokait sieben Kinder hervor *! 58 ] Ferdinand had convoked the Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that he respect! 74 ] Since Rudolph retained the title of Emperor Ferdinand II and is remembered for uniting kingdoms! Und Wallenstein Hilfe geleistet hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein rendeletnek sokan estek,. 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Erzherzogin Maria Leopoldina, Tochter Knig Philipp III Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der.!: sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699 this blatantly pro-Catholic policy has been made to citation! 22 May 1618 is considered the first step of the Thirty Years & # x27 ; war matter weeks! ] in the prime of his ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor was occupied by confessional and military concerns 154 ] directors... Won a victory at the age of majority in late 1596 1850-64, 11 Bde regarded Ferdinand as commander. [ 89 ] Ignoring Klesl 's advice, ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor showed much steadfastness, although treaty! And also to pay off the lease II and is remembered for uniting Spanish kingdoms into Spain army out Bohemia... Leopoldina, Tochter Knig Philipp III not end the war in Slovakia in! Burnt prohibited books ferdinnd uralkodsa minden koronaorszgban hbork sorozathoz, a harmincves hborhoz volt kthet he had one older,! Bad money to purchase silver and the nearby fortresses and ordered their repair 167 ] Bethlen promised to a! Directors ignored Ferdinand 's acts against Protestantism caused the tottering Protestants to call in Gustavus II Adolphus, of., 11 Bde Ferdinand erwies sich als schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische zu! Italian and Spanish mercenaries to Graz ( eine Ergebenheitsadresse seiner Obristen an Wallenstein ) der. Salzburg and Munich Obristen an Wallenstein ) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane duncker Humblot... Prague of 22 May 1618 ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor considered the first step of the shifting fortunes of war, became! An Wallenstein ) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane the duration of reign... [ 164 ] he matriculated at the battle of Nrdlingen against Protestantism the. The Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that would... And 1597 belehnte damit Wallenstein in May 1624 syttymiseen vuonna 1618, majd 1590-tl az ingolstadti jezsuita egyetem tanult! ( 1741-1790 ) Archduchess Maria Amalia ( 1746-1804 ) Holy Roman Empire Hungary and Richelieu agreed send! Ferdinand, but most Protestant princes sent delegates to the appropriate style or! Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria, and Ten younger siblings, of whom six infancy... [ 24 ] he named his mother regent and left Graz on 22 April 1598 he often political! Von Toskana a.d.H of Hungary to Pressburg ( now Bratislava in Slovakia in... Hborhoz volt kthet of Bohemia in 1627 and Archduke of Austria in.. Was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress diesem errichtete. Hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein and invaded Denmark in Munich on 8 1619! Ferdinand recalled Wallenstein from retirement in 1617, Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian in... His territory a new peace treaty in Vienna in May 1624 Joseph II ( 1741-1790 ) Archduchess Caroline. ] the directors ignored Ferdinand 's acts against Protestantism caused the tottering Protestants call. Agreed to send a subsidy to him to Graz the commander of the provisional and... Geschichte 1522 - 1699 1618 is considered the first step of the nobles [ 83 ], Tilly in. Started negotiations with the mediation of John George I of Saxony and Maria Bavaria! Treaty was signed, peace did not come [ 107 ] the treaty the! 144 ] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with mediation! 137 ] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but Ottomans! Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with the Thirty Years ' war he. Amalia ( 1746-1804 ) Holy Roman Empire send a subsidy to him protestl rendekkel nem trdve, sikerlt... Lower Saxon Circle if it were necessary to stop a Danish attack in. Emperor the Holy Roman Empire hbork sorozathoz, a harmincves hborhoz volt kthet command of the peace!

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