Diseases such as root rot can also cause damage to the roots, leading to leaf curling. 1 - Watering Issues. This makes it a lot easier to treat and revive your plant. In severe cases, the plant may go into shock and lose all its leaves. This can change, however, based on your home environment. Dont water again until the soil is dry to the touch. Dry air is the usual suspect for curling leaves, but if there's a hydration problem, the symptoms can be similar. Just use equal portions of each in your mixture to add proper drainage. One of those signs is the leaves curling. Provided an Aluminum plant receives proper light, humidity and water, it is the perfect houseplant for the novice, as its maintenance requirements are relatively low. If the plants do not receive the proper levels of humidity, leaf tips can turn brown. long submerged underwater. When plants dont get enough water, their leaves will wilt and eventually curl up as a defense mechanism to prevent further water loss. Make sure that the pot has drainage holes to avoid waterlogging. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Aluminum plants prefer bright, indirect light. If it is comfortable for you indoors, it is more than likely comfortable for the Aluminum plant. The best type of soil to use for houseplants is a well-aerated, well-draining potting mix. Here are some tips on how to prevent aluminum plant leaf curling: A: Yes, you can save your aluminum plant by addressing the underlying issue causing the leaf curling. Bugs will occasionally eat the green parts of the leaves. To water your plant correctly, you should check the soil before watering. If you notice your houseplant leaves curling, its essential to take a closer look at the plant. In the case of under watering the plant dried out. Set Just because the plant doesn't re-form to look beautiful doesn't mean the issue hasn't been resolved. Not Enough Water. You can keep your houseplants healthy and happy by understanding the causes of curling leaves and taking some simple steps to correct the issue. We have received a lot of questions from all of you about this topic, so here are some reasons why your plant leaves are getting sad! You could water once a fortnight in the colder months, while during the summer, Pilea might need a bit more water. leaves carefully, and backfill with soil. Aluminum plants are known for their striking foliage, which features vibrant green and silver leaves. Many commercial potting mixes work well and some even have the addition of a slow-release fertilizer, cutting down on the need for frequent feedings. This links in with some of the other issues above as if your plant is exposed to a lot of warm air, it will dry up quickly and your plant will curl its leaves to reduce the amount of moisture that it is losing through its leaves. Propagating the aluminum plant is an excellent way to create more plants for your home or to share with friends. If you find bugs (of signs of them), wipe each leaf with warm soapy water to try and remove as many as possible. Plants in brighter locations often need to be watered more frequently than those in lower-light conditions. also cause curled leaves, as well as lead to root Just make sure the pot has good drainage. Plants need six macro-nutrients to survive. Each leaf is around 2- to 4-inches long. If your plant is not potted, increase the wateringfrequency NOT the watering amount- to two or three times a day. Tropical hibiscuses are relatively easy-to-care-for plants, as long as the conditions are right. There are many reasons why you may have curled leaves on After your plant has soaked, feel the top of the soil. Pinch off the bottom leaves and place the cutting in a small glass of water or moist potting mix. The bugs will walk through it and die shortly after contact. Once youve found a suitable container, choose a perfect spot for your hibiscus. Just Both types of pests are sap-suckers, meaning they pierce the plants stems and leaves with their mouths and suck out its juices. SYMPTOMS: Drooping leaves, curling downward from the stem to the tip. Every once in a while, remove the plant from its pot and cut away any circled or tangled root. Look for powdery or fuzzy growth on the leaves. Although Aluminum plants do produce flowers, they are small and barely noticeable against the elaborately colored leaves. This can burn the leaves. Indoor grown plants prefer a location that receives bright, indirect light for at least four hours each day. Check the moisture levels in the soil as well as inspect the root system to confirm if underwatering is damaging your plant. and the water evaporates it creates a humid environment around the Aluminum smartgardenguide.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and other Amazon stores worldwide. A: Yes, aluminum plants are toxic to cats and dogs if ingested. This process draws the fertilizer down, away from the roots. Fungul attack reduces the leaves ability to photosynthesize and eventually it will curl to save energy. Yellowing is a serious issue in plants because the next stage is browning and death. If there are a few parts of the plant that are particularly bad, remove those to cut the size of the infestation. Avoid exposing your plant to cold drafts or air conditioning vents. Do not plant the Aluminum plant any Do not allow the foliage to be submerged in the water and change the water when it starts looking cloudy. If youve over-fertilized your plant or have excessive build-up, leach it out of the soil by watering it for a long time. If the soil is too dense, it can prevent the roots from getting the oxygen they need to function properly. You also want to check for signs of pests which include brown or yellow spots, very small holes in the leaves, white powder or webbing across the stems and stagnant or small new growth. Another factor that can cause curling leaves on an Aluminium Plant is exposure to high temperatures. Another solution can be spraying or misting the leaves twice a week or placing the plant into a humidity tray. Depending on the plant type, theyll require either direct, indirect, and no sunlight. Fortunately, you can do a few things to fix the problem. Its important to say that pests can be successfully treated but the chances of doing that are higher the sooner you catch the issue. To flush any buildup of fertilizer salts from the Then, make sure you are watering only when the top inch of the soil is dry; try sticking your finger in it to check. Inspect the roots for signs of decay or mushiness. Trim sunburned leaves off of the plant and move the plant to a shadier location immediately. Water plants thoroughly until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Japanese beetle larvae will eat the roots of your hibiscus plants. Copyright 2018-2020. Each problem needs to be treated differently, by using pesticides, adjusting the necessary care, or completely repotting your plant. If the pests have fully taken over your plant then you might need to think about getting rid of it. Also, place your Pilea near to a North or East-facing window or use sheers or blinds if facing South or West windows. Although sometimes found being sold in a pet store as The first number is always nitrogen, the second is phosphorus, and the third is potassium. To promote dense growth, fertilize Aluminum plants every two to four weeks during the growing season of spring throughout summer. Outdoors it is only hardy to 59F. completely drain away after watering and never allow your potted plant to sit A dwarf variety, Minimia tops out around 6 inches tall with half-sized leaves. Are your houseplant leaves curling and you dont know why? Using sanitized pruning tools, snip off a stem that is 4- to 6-inches long. Phosphorus: Leaves may be dark green with purple or red veins. Phosphorus can get added into the soil through fertilizers or even the water used for watering. 1. I, personally, use a mixture of one-third neem oil and two-thirds water. They show up as brown or black, rotted looking sections on the leaves and stems. Without proper nutrients, your plants leaves wont be able to grow correctly. If you've already planted gardenias without testing the soil, make adjustments by adding chelated iron, aluminum sulfate, or . are normally found on the undersides of leaves and at the growing tips of the Garden's Whisper is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. For your Pilea, we suggest using an all-purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to half strength. Even indoors, dont allow it to sit in a location receiving direct sunlight or the foliage turns brown due to burning. Make sure that your plant receives adequate light and fertilize it regularly. A plant with too much phosphorus is not recoverable! You may also need to adjust the amount of light the plant is getting if its in a location where the temperature fluctuates frequently. When it comes to choosing a fertilizer for . Humidifiers are a must-have for any plant parent and are a great investment in the long-term health of your plant! Conversely, overwatering is also a common reason for houseplant leaves to curl. If the roots are becoming overly dense, transplant the plant to a size larger pot. Your email address will not be published. not soggy or rot can develop. mites spin a fine webbing over the plant and the tiny white mites can quickly container is allowed to sit in water, it opens the Aluminum plant up to Interveinal chlorosis is a condition in which the leaves of a plant display yellowing between veins due to a lack of sufficient chlorophyll. The best course of action is to move the plant to a location To fix curling leaves from too much light, move your Hibiscus grows best in slightly acidic soil (between 6.5 and 6.8 pH). You can mist the leaves with water or place a humidifier near the plant. Although nitrogen is the most essential element for plant growth. The water should reach about two to three inches into the soil. Direct sun can be too intense for many houseplants, causing their leaves to curl up as a defense mechanism. By taking these steps, you can help prevent your plant from experiencing stress, leading to the leaves curling. Another thing to avoid is temperature extremes. It will show signs of stress if you overwater or underwater it. If the soil is wet, wait a few days before watering again. Mineral deficiencies can cause leaf curling and stunted growth in your plants, so its essential to give them the correct nutrients. They will raise the humidity level to a nice stable level and your worries of brown leaf tips and curling leaves will be a thing of the past. Most houseplants need to be fertilized once a month during the growing season and not during winter. Join our Facebook Group About Houseplants and Gardening Overwatering The new growth eventually straightens out with age. Remember to monitor the temperature: not just in the room, but also around the plant. Hi, Im Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. Youll be happy to hear that there are several different methods you can use to increase the humidity for your Aluminium Plant: This is something you should build into your regular Aluminium Plant plant care routine as its really great for their overall health and can prevent so many issues. Aluminum plants prefer warm and humid conditions. When watering, make sure your pot has drainage holes and no pebbles at the bottom so the water can easily get through the soil. Firm If caught quickly enough you can prune off the infected sections and allow the soil to dry. Gardenias prefer acidic soils with a pH between 5.0 and 6.5. Not only will the potting mix dry out quicker in warm weather but your plant will be actively growing. Monitor the soil daily, ensuring moist - not soggy - conditions. This is because curling leaves is one of the mechanisms Aluminium Plants use to prevent moisture loss. Harster Greenhouses Inc. All rights reserved. You could put your plant by east or west-facing windows or windows with opaque blinds that block a few of the suns rays. New leaves with stunted growth and browning edges as well as curling old leaves is a sign of over-exposure to light. While it may be tempting to ignore the problem, leaves that are curling could be an indication of a more serious issue. These numbers may vary depending on the fertilizer and show you, Generally, feeding your Pilea once a month will help your plant to stay healthy. During this time, the plant is actively growing and requires more nutrients to support its growth. Your plant could be too close to high-intensity light, or it might be in a room where temperatures are persistently above 80 degrees F (27 degrees C). You can mist the leaves with water or place a humidifier near the plant. When situated outdoors, Aluminum plant grows best in a location that receives partial shade, as it will not tolerate being in full sun and the leaves can scorch. Additionally, the reason could also be external stress like disease or pests. To prevent the issue, you want to adjust how you are watering your Aluminium Plant. . Aluminum plants are also known for their aesthetic value. Issues with watering are the number one cause of plant problems, and curling leaves are no different. Watering Issues The Pilea plant is finicky when it comes to water. If the Houseplants are a great way to liven up any room, but they can be frustrating when their leaves start to curl. In order to avoid curling leaves due to soil that is too soggy, always During fall and winter when the Aluminum plant goes So, place the potted plant somewhere with indirect sunlight and not near the AC vents or fans. within easy access to the plant. deeper than it was originally growing. How To Care For An Aluminum Plant (Pilea Cadierei), tips and tricks for improving humidity for indoor plants. If you think your plant is suffering from transplant shock, the best thing to do is give it time. Within its native range, Aluminum plants receive a constant supply of humidity, which needs to be replicated inside the home. Exception from bugs, another rare reason for your spinach plant's leaves curling (like a curry leaf) inwards is bolting. such as aphids, from the pots bottom drain holes. Follow the solutions listed above depending on whats causing the issue. You may need to adjust the amount of water youre giving your plant if its in a location with more light than its used to. The growing season for aluminum plants is from spring to early fall. Aphids are common tiny insects that suck out your plants nutrients, causing the leaves to turn yellow and curl. Designed and curated by Silvia Frattali. Sign up for our newsletter. Find a joint where leaf buds are visible or where leaves have begun to grow. If you smell a foul odor from the soil, this might indicate root rot, which occurs from overwatering. the leaves. During spring and summer, the top quarter inch of the soil should be kept moist. of soil feel dry to the touch. The most common causes of hibiscus Leaves Curling are inadequate moisture, nutrients, sun, temperature, or soil pH. This plant prefers a sandy soil mixture to live in. Take the cuttings in the early spring. Sucking insects like aphids can promote leaf distortion and curling. Why do Hibiscus Leaves Curl after Repotting? Avoid placing your plant near drafts or air conditioning vents. Nitrogen: Leaves may be pale green or yellow and have stunted growth. If you fertilize your plant more often than necessary or use a fertilizer with a high concentration of nutrients, it can cause the leaves to curl. It performs well in a rich soil medium provided it drains and does not remain soggy. Designed and curated by. Youll be pleased to know that curling leaves are often an early warning sign and if you cant spot any other issues, it means solving the problem shouldnt be too tricky and there shouldnt be any permanent damage to your Aluminium Plant. Conversely, overwatered plants may also curl, and wilt as it can lead to root rot. Digital thermometers can also help you check for cold drafts too which can be pretty damaging to your plant so are a real worthwhile investment. If for some reason you gave your plant a break from indoor growth and set it outdoors, just remember to bring it back indoors before the cold temperatures of winter come knocking on the door. leaves. Avoid placing your plant near drafts or air conditioning vents. In summary for rubber plant leaves curling Rubber plant leaves curling may be due to: New growth: this is completely normal and nothing has to be done. Plant leaves' curling and folding is the symptom of a physiological disorder, and more than one disorder can cause this curling and folding. While plants need nutrients to grow, too much fertilizer can be just as harmful as not enough. You either want to increase the amount of water you give your plant or the frequency at which you are watering. Fill a suitable-sized container that has good drainage from the bottom about a fourth full with a fertile, well-draining potting mix. The pepper plant leaves will curl because the plants' roots are unable to take up sufficient nutrition and oxygen. Various insects can cause your plants stress, curling, and yellowing leaves. If youve underwatered your hibiscus, completely submerge the pot underwater for twenty minutes to breathe life back into your plant. The common symptoms can be seen on the leaves of plants, with yellow or pale green . When growing the aluminum plant indoors make sure the plant receives bright, indirect light for at least four hours each day. Keep your plant in a warm and humid location. Some diseases are more harmful than others. Prevent the problem from occurring by only watering Ensure youre only watering when the soil is dry to the touch and that youre not overcompensating for previous periods of drought. During this time, its essential to keep the plant well-watered and avoid fertilizing it. and whiteflies Identifying both these bothersome pests is easy: You have several methods of controlling an outbreak: The main cause on why leaves and stems of an Aluminum plant begin turning brown to black and begin rotting are too wet conditions. Prevent this problem by planting in pots with bottom drain holes, using a well-drained soil mixture and watering during the growing season when the top 1/2 inch to inch of soil becomes dry. This is because the excess nutrients in the soil can build up and burn the roots of the plant. After watering, allow the soil to drain completely for around five minutes and then empty the bottom tray. Allow water to that receives bright but indirect light during the day. As the problem progresses and the root system becomes damaged, Aluminium Plants can also begin curling even further. Hibiscus need indirect sunlight, and they do not like wind. Pests can be a significant cause of curling. Native to the warm and humid, frost-free regions of Vietnam and China, Aluminum plants are members of the nettle family Urticaceae. Also, get to know what acceptable light requirements are Provide the Plant With Proper Lighting, How To Treat Brown Spots on Houseplant Leaves (Easy Guide), Indoor Plant Leaves Drooping? Depending on the size of your Aluminum plant, it will grow well for quite some time in a 6-inch to 8-inch pot, provided it has bottom drainage. This site is full of useful information to help you grow amazing houseplants that will brighten up your home. resemble thick, white cottony masses that develop along the branches and Never use too much water or dump it directly into the soil, instead of water your plants with a sprinkler, watering can, or pouring it through your fingers. Overfertilizing can cause stress on the plant, which can lead to the leaves curling. Too much light, for your plant in question, can also cause When you transplant a plant, its essential to be careful not to damage the roots. The solution to temperature stress is to move your plant to a location that is more suitable for its needs. room temperature rainwater or faucet water allowed to sit out overnight, mist It can be an indication that something is negatively affecting your plant. If the temperature is too cold, you may see wilted, soft, and droopy leaves in addition to being curled. Clean the roots by running water gently over them and remove all the rotted roots with sharp scissors by cutting just above the damaged area. And be patient: allow your Pilea to drain before returning to its position! Aluminum plant displays silvery marks on its leaves and grows quickly. Overwatering or growing the Aluminum plant in soil that does not drain well and retains too much water causes the biggest disease problems in the plant. This is a good way to get several years of good growth from the plant. If the roots are damaged, it can lead to stress on the plant and cause the leaves to curl. It can also be caused by indoor conditions that are too cold or theres a sudden drop in the temperature. Thrips Remember to follow preventive measures to keep your aluminum plants healthy and thriving! The damaged root system can not intake water and nutrients and the leaves will show symptoms like underwatering. When conditions are too wet, problems such as blight and rot take hold and can quickly kill the plant. off those areas of the plant. Transplanting your plant can also cause the leaves to curl. Most slow-release blends continue feeding the plant for around 12 weeks. action. And remember: during winter, you want to allow the plant to dry out longer between each watering. The first sign of underwatering is usually wilting leaves, so its important to water plants as soon as you see this symptom. not, but err on the side of caution and do not allow your pets or children Provide garden-planted basil with one deep watering of 1 inch a week, and water indoor/potted basil every 1-3 days, watering twice daily in very hot summers. Potassium: Leaves may be yellow or brown with stunted growth. Wandering Jew Plant Care and Growing Guide. For dieback disease, simply cut the affected areas with a clean pair of scissors. the constant use of water creates humidity. Curly Gardenia Leaves due to Soil Problems. If temperatures are cold, move the plant indoors and place them somewhere sunny. the soil up around the base of the Aluminum plant and water again and until it The coloration of the leaves also gives the plant another common name, Watermelon Pilea. When a plant's needs aren't being met, it often responds with curled, dying leaves. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. They are generally laid in the soil and eat more significant roots as they grow. The leaves are normally squat and broad, measuring up to 12 inches (30 cm) long and up to 8 inches (21 cm) wide. wipe the blades off with rubbing alcohol and you are ready to start making your Especially when older leaves are curling at the very tips of In the summer months, hibiscus requires more frequent watering; however, water your plant much less frequently in the winter month. Transplant shock occurs with improper repotting. In its native habitat, Aluminum plants thrive in the consistently warm and humid conditions. important to understand the various causes so that you can take effective Lastly, for root rot, you can help the affected hibiscus by cleaning the roots. If the overwatered hibiscus got itself root rot (you need to check the roots) then it may be difficult to salvage the plant. developing roots in around two weeks and have an established root system in (7 Causes and Solutions), How To Fix a Leggy Lavender (An Easy Guide). Gnats usually gather underneath the foliage and then invade the soil. Cut holes in the paper and plant. helps wash off any dust as it begins accumulating on the leaves. The unexpected conditions stress your plants and cause their leaves to curl and wilt. If the air is very dry, consider placing a humidifier nearby, putting the pot in a pebble tray . an appropriate sized container with bottom drainage about 1/4 full of a Leaves that have been exposed to too much direct sunlight will sunburn and turn yellow. Also, ensure youre using a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Its also essential to keep your plant clean. Several pests can attack houseplants, including aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and whiteflies. to yellow and then changing to a crispy brown, the plant is receiving too much You can regularly spray your plants if they are prone to infestations. Sorted by: 2. Another common reason for curling leaves is low humidity. Always use pots with drainage holes. In addition, trim off any dead or damaged foliage or stems throughout the year. Prevent the problem by moving the plant to a location receiving bright, indirect light and maintaining indoor temperatures between 60F and 75F. This isnt such a common problem compared to the others we covered in this article but its probably the most worrying and hardest to treat. If youve overwatered your hibiscus, do not water it for one or two weeks in order to let the soil dry. You can use grow lights if you cant provide your plant with enough natural light. of soil to dry out. Additionally, Houseplantsexpert.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. On the other hand, if you underwater your plant, the leaves may curl due to dehydration.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'livetoplant_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-livetoplant_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Solution: Always check the soil before watering your aluminum plant. Houseplantsexpert.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If you notice your Aluminum plants foliage starting A: Lack of light or nutrients may be causing slow growth in your aluminum plant. When plants don't get enough water, their leaves will wilt and eventually curl up as a defense mechanism to prevent further water loss. This plant requires at least four hours of indirect, but bright, sunlight a day. The type of soil you use can also cause your plants leaves to curl. Sucking insects, indoor plants. action to fix your issue. If you have suspicions, you could also take out your plants and check the roots. Too much sun will burn the leaves and cause the green parts to turn brown. Stick your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle; if it feels dry, its time to water. Curling leaves can be caused by several factors, including too little water, too much sunlight, or pests. Please note to sterilize the scissors afterward to avoid infecting your other plants! Brown spots with yellow halo indicates fungal disease, eventually which cause yellow leaves or black spots. You also want to make sure that you increase how much you are watering your plant in summer to prevent curling leaves due to underwatering. The most common signs of too much fertilizer are: If you think your plant is getting too much fertilizer, the best thing to do is flush the soil. If it feels compacted or water runs off of it instead of soaking in, its too dense. You can use a liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets designed for houseplants. The most common cause of leaf curling in bromeliad plants has to do with watering issues. If your plant is lacking in any of these nutrients, it can cause the leaves to curl. If the air is too dry or too cold, it can cause the leaves to curl. Although it can be emotional, there is a high risk of the pests spreading to your other houseplants which you want to avoid at all costs. Additionally, it is suitable for your plants and gives them a nice sheen. Here well discuss the most common causes of curling leaves on houseplants and how to solve them. Bolting causes confined plant development and is frequently caused by underwatering or excessive water stress. If youre using a liquid fertilizer, make sure youre diluting it correctly according to the manufacturers instructions. Its best to fertilize your plant every two weeks or so during the growing season. Check your soil isn't holding too much water and if it is, try repotting in a smaller container. If left untreated, both of these pests can severely damage or kill your Aluminum plant and in the worst case, travel to your other indoor plants creating even bigger problems. If you detect any issues, treat them immediately using an appropriate pesticide or fungicide. Afterward, choose a good soil mix with materials like composted bark, perlite, coco coir, and peat moss. Solutions. Its important to use a well-aerated, well-draining potting mix for most houseplants. By identifying and addressing the underlying issue causing the leaf curling, you can restore your plants health and beauty. 2 Answers. How to care for an Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei): To keep your Aluminum plant thriving and healthy, grow in well-drained soil and water when the top 1/2 inch to inch becomes dry. The type of fertilizer can be either water-soluble or chelated. Mix and repeat the treatment according to package directions. To keep your Aluminum plant looking its best and to continue promoting dense growth, in springtime trim the plant back by half. for your specific plant. One of the most common reasons for houseplant leaves to curl is simply that they're not getting enough water. With water or place a humidifier near the plant and cause their leaves to turn and... Water to that receives bright, indirect light during the growing season and not during winter you! And curl small glass of water or moist potting mix for most houseplants need to be replicated inside home! Severe cases, the plant for around 12 weeks simply cut the affected areas with a clean of... And dogs if ingested is damaging your plant near drafts or air conditioning vents may have curled leaves an...: Lack of light the plant Pilea near to a location that receives bright but indirect light for at four... 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Or too cold or theres a sudden drop in the colder months, while during growing... Fertile, well-draining potting mix for most houseplants lose all its leaves size the! Silvery marks on its leaves plant development and is frequently caused by several factors, including,! Frustrating when their leaves will wilt and eventually curl up as brown or black, looking... Sunburned leaves off of it instead of soaking in, its time to water remove those to cut the of. Bottom drain holes stress like disease or pests water again until the soil daily, ensuring -! Experiencing stress, leading to the manufacturers instructions or to share with friends year. Or underwater it into a humidity tray fertilize Aluminum plants are known for their striking foliage, which occurs overwatering... It a lot easier to treat and revive your plant the next is! Or East-facing window or use sheers or blinds if facing South or West windows conditions stress your plants and the! Ignore the problem, leaves that are higher the sooner you catch the issue curling. A great way to get several years of good growth from the bottom tray times! Houseplants, causing their leaves to curl roots are damaged, Aluminium plants can also be external like! To treat and revive your plant and they do not like wind as as... And they do not receive the proper levels of humidity, leaf tips can brown! Pot with drainage holes to avoid waterlogging for at least four hours each day to allow the soil,. The home when conditions are right or even the water should reach about two to four weeks the., too much sun will burn the roots are damaged, it can lead to root make... Youve overwatered your hibiscus plants you want to increase the amount of water you give your plant every two four. Insects like aphids can promote leaf distortion and curling leaves is one of plant! According to package directions there are many reasons why you may also curl, Smart! Media, advertising and analytics partners indoor Gardening and houseplants foul odor from the about... Common reasons for houseplant leaves curling and you dont know why at the tray. For signs of stress if you smell a foul odor from the pots bottom drain holes humidity...